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5 Tips for Keeping Your Family Law Costs Down

Family Law
Embarking on the journey through Family Law in Australia brings both emotional and financial challenges. Successfully navigating the complexities of legal proceedings requires an awareness of associated costs. To effectively…

Buying A Property With Super

Property Law
People often ask how to buy a property with your superannuation. In this article we will discuss the purchasing of a property in a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) and guide…
first home buyer

Buying House from Parents Australia

Property Law
Buying a house from parents in Australia involves several steps and considerations, just like any other property transaction. At ALA Law we assist families to buy and transfer properties between…

What is Title Insurance?

Property Law
Title insurance is a type of insurance that provides protection to property buyers and mortgage lenders against financial loss due to defects in the title of a property. It is…